Wa Ying College - Web-based Classroom

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Picture of Yung Chi Ho
New Login account
by Yung Chi Ho - Tuesday, 17 December 2019, 02:03 PM
You can log-in to the web-based classroom by using your personal login name and password:

Login name: Your class and class number. (Example: 1a01)
Password: Your student number. (Example: 19xxx)

If you cannot login the web-based classroom, please contact Mr. Yung.
Picture of Yung Chi Ho
Form 6 Mock Examination Timetable 2017-2018
by Yung Chi Ho - Wednesday, 10 January 2018, 11:46 PM
Picture of Yung Chi Ho
1st Term Exam Timetable 2017-2018
by Yung Chi Ho - Thursday, 21 December 2017, 10:14 AM
Picture of M.C. Lau
iclass for S.2 students
by M.C. Lau - Tuesday, 12 September 2017, 09:55 AM

iclass for S.2 students


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